Advertising / 廣告行銷代理


Visual Design / 視覺傳達平面&商業設計


Branding & Identity / CIS企業識別系統設計


Web & Interactive Design / 網頁互動設計


Film & Video Marketing / 電視廣告&影片



"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world" ― Albert Einstein
想像力比知識更重要,因為知識是有限的,而想像力概括著世界的一切,推動著進步,並且是知識進化的源泉 ― 愛因斯坦

/ 公 司 簡 介 /


KEDO ADVERTISING的存在是為了創造有創意且有效點子,為客戶達成目標而帶有新意。

在一個沒有稱謂的架構中為每一位客戶重組最適合的團隊。我們的核心擁有各類的人才,橫跨商業、商場、分析、設計、軟體、情境、廣告⋯等領域。並會視需求,帶進各類國際團隊,一起解決客戶的問題與滿足客戶的期望,並累積可被量化的創意商業價值。 我們的目標是成為世界級的創意生產公司,我們不停地為追求卓越創意全力以赴。在未來,將成為最受推崇的創意代理商、創新者、與創造者!

A creative realisation engine located at the heart of a global creative powerhouse, driven by the need for always-on content in the new media age.

Our principals have held senior positions at the most renown design studios and work directly with every client from start to finish.
Our tight-knit global office network allows our designers to collaborate across oceans and cultures.
This continually infuses our work with fresh perspectives and creates an esteemed pool of resources for every project.

As a brand advocate, KEDO believed that "every advertisement is part of the long-term investment in the personality of the brand," and worked fiercely to instill the belief that our job is to make advertising that sells, and that best-selling advertising builds brands.
We believe in the power of brands.
Brands are any company's greatest assets. Building strong, enduring brands is the key to marketplace success.
Our ambition is to be a world class creative agency, so we always strive for creative excellence.